Chucks and Pearls Sneakers - Elm Shop Boutique


Sezzle እና Shop Pay በማቅረብ ኩራት ይሰማናል። ዛሬ ይግዙ እና በ 4 ወለድ ነፃ ክፍያዎች ይክፈሉ።

Chucks and Pearls Sneakers

Custom Pearl and rhinestone Converse

The converse used are authentic and designed by hand with crystals and/or pearls one by one, making this a time consuming process. This indeed is a labor of love because the end result is truly a stunning work of art.

These shoes are custom and we ask for 7-14 business days to complete unless rush order has been requested and honored by shop:)

**Also because this is a custom item we cannot accept returns. BE sure to check sizing chart in order to ensure proper sizing. We recommend measuring your feet for accuracy.

Want another design? Desire another theme? We welcome your custom requests.

የምንችለውን ምርጥ የግዢ ልምድ ለእርስዎ ለመስጠት በድረ-ገጻችን ላይ ኩኪዎችን እንጠቀማለን። ይህን ጣቢያ በመጠቀም፣ ኩኪዎችን ለመጠቀም ተስማምተሃል።

ሱቃችንን ይፈልጉ

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